Iganatius's Spiritual Exercises

*What to live for?~Ad maiorem Dei gloriam(to the greater glory of God).

*What to decide for?~Fiat voluntas tua(Thy will be done)

*How to deal with the goods of this world?~Tantum quantum(as much)

*What to strive for? ~Magis(even more)

2009年9月22日 星期二

讀Hans Kueng的回憶錄

Hans Kueng是個瑞士人(過去我一直以為是德國人),是天主教的神學家與大公主義者




書名叫My struggle for freedom( Continuum 2004 ) ,這個奮鬥的對象當然是天主教會囉,但是讀得很慢,因為是英文譯本,厚度有470頁左右,其中充滿的教會專門用語,讀了兩周才剛讀到他讀書,升神父,然後決定出道當個神學家,到杜賓根大學,而教會宣布要召開梵蒂岡第二次大公會議,1959年左右.教宗是若望23世,而後來成 為保祿6世的Motini也剛出現,還是總主教.

不過第五章的結束前,倒是有一句話,讓我心有戚戚, A period of my life has come to an end. So far I have lived as a student; I have seldom been hungry, but also seldom lived in superfluity. Now this time will be over. I too will occupy a position in the world, will ultimately own a house with a library and a garden, and will have to see how in the new situation I remain the same and preserve my inner freedom.
